
2017-03-13 19:25:59 诚誉达咨询 767




Environmental Management and Monitoring System 环境管理及监督系统

  • Environmental Local Law Inventory 环保法律法规清单

  • Formal Environmental Management System 环境管理体系

  • A written EMS handbook 书面的环境管理体系手册

  • HIGG Index Facility Environmental Module (FEM)

    注:HIGG Index是一级由SAC(Sustainable Apparel Coalition)创建的评估工具,TARGET将其用于测量和评估供应链所有供应商的环境表现,工厂应至少每年完成一次环境自我评估。

Water Stewardship 废水管理

  • Water Use 用水统计

  • Improve your water performance 提升用水效率

  • Wastewater Identification 识别废水源

  • Drainage Layout 雨污水管网图

  • Factory shall install and maintain appropriate wastewater treatment facility that reduce the pollutant of wastewater to levels compliant with applicable laws and regulations.工厂应建立废水处理设施以确保废水排放符合当地法律法规要求。

  • Factory shall, in the absence of an on-site wastewater treatment facility, discharge wastewater into the off-site wastewater treatment facility (i.e. industrial park wastewater treatment facility, or municipal wastewater treatment facility) as regulated.工厂没有废水处理设施的,可以排放到集中式废水处理设施确保废水仍经处理达标后排放。

  • Factory shall monitor wastewater discharges in accordance with regulatory requirements, and develop a schedule of water quality sampling and testing that conforms to government and industry guidelines.工厂要按照当地法律要求监测废水,确保废水达标排放

  • Effluent Treatment Plant Employee Training 确保所有废水处理相关人员都经过培训

Waste Reduction & Disposal 废弃物降低及处理

  • Hazardous Waste Storage Container 危险废弃物储存容器

  • Hazardous Waste Storage Areas 危险废弃物储存区域

  • Waste Inventory 废弃物清单

  • Waste Disposal废弃物处理

  • Hazardous Waste Transportation and Handling 危险废弃物转运和处理

  • Training 废弃物处理人员培训

Energy Management 能源管理

  • Measure and record all energy consumed by operations your business controls (owns,operates or directly leases) at the site on a regular basis (e.g., weekly, or monthly), to establish measurable goals for energy conservation.工厂应了解并定期记录所有工厂范围内的能源消耗,以建立节能目标。

  • Improve your energy efficiency 提升能源使用效率

Air Emission Management 废气排放管理

  • Air Emission Monitoring 废气监测

Licenses and Permitting 证照及批复

  • Environmental Permits and Licenses 环保相关的法律文件

  • Suppliers must acquire and maintain all legally required environmental

  • permits and business operating licenses necessary for the production of

  • their products and operation of their facilities.供应商应取得当地法律法规要求的所有环境相关的文件和生产经营所需的证照。

Chemical Management 化学品管理

  • Safety Labels & MSDS 安全标签及物质安全数据表

  • Chemical Containers & Storage Area 化学品容器和储存区域

  • Secondary Containment 二次容器/防泄漏设施

  • Chemical Spill Response Equipment 化学品泄漏应急设备

  • Chemical Training 化学品培训

  • Environmental Emergency Response Plan (EERP) 环境应急响应预案


  • We will not tolerate suppliers with undersized, bypassed, or inoperable wastewater treatment systems. 非法废水排放是零容忍的行为!

  • We will not tolerate suppliers that engage in illegal waste dumping. 未能依法处理危险废弃物是零容忍的行为!

  • We will not tolerate suppliers operating without valid current permits.未能依法取得环保相关的文件和批复是零容忍的行为!