
2017-07-04 09:48:37 诚誉达 797



Dear Supplier,

Thank you for participating in the pilot we launched last year to evaluate the effectiveness of accepting audit reports from third-party audit programs. Your feedback throughout this process has helped us evaluate and improve the approach. After seeing positive results, we have decided to transition our global program to this new audit approach. This approach will replace traditional Walmart Responsible Sourcing audits.

Beginning August 1, 2017, when a current audit is due to expire for one of your facilities, you will be required to submit a valid audit report from one of the approved third-party audit programs listed below:


Approved Audit Programs*

?         Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP)

?         Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)

?         Better Work

?         Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)

?         International Council of Toy Industries CARE

?         SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA)

?         Social Accountability International (SA8000)

?         Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) 

The third-party audit programs listed below are regional and industry specific. We are still evaluating these programs and they will be accepted during the evaluation process.

?         South Africa Agriculture - Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA)

?         Brazil Apparel - Brazilian Textile Retailers Association (ABVTEX)

Audits are not mandatory for some small suppliers, but we do require participation in a capacity building program administered by Intertek for small suppliers that produce private label or exclusive brand products for Walmart.

?         Small Supplier Program administered through Intertek

*Additional programs may be approved and added to this list in the future

Under normal circumstances, Walmart will not endorse or direct you to select one audit program over another. Please take the opportunity to review and understand these programs and select the one that makes the most sense for your business. In some higher-risk geographies or supply chains, we may develop a policy that requires or encourages your participation in one specific program. When that is the case, we will notify you directly.

As we make this transition, I want to let you know about a few key differences between the pilot and our global approach:

  • Quarterly reports on your facility base: You will no longerreceive our standard facility-specific Audit Due notification fromResponsible Sourcing. Instead, we will send you a report detailing yourtotal disclosed facility base and indicating when an audit is due for eachfacility.

  • Audit expiration dates: Most of the approvedaudit programs will set expiration dates for your audits. In cases where aprogram does not do this, Responsible Sourcing will set an expirationdate.

  • Expired pilot audits:  If the audit report youhave submitted as part of the pilot expires, or has expired, between thedate you submitted the report and August 1, 2017, you will have 60 daysfrom August 1 to submit a current audit report. If you do not submit acurrent report within this time, the facility may be inactivated and nonew orders may be placed.

  • Report Submission Requirements: Our report submissionrequirements have changed from the pilot process and can be found in our supplier guide.

  • Assessment Ratings: Reports submitted aspart of the pilot were evaluated and facilities assessed as either"Pilot - Continue" or "Pilot - Stop." These reports,along with future reports submitted will be assessed with a color ratingof Green, Yellow, Orange or Red, and notification of the assessment colorrating will be sent to suppliers.

Later this month, you will receive an email from me sharing additional details and guidance on our audit approach, along with information about important changes to our expectations of suppliers and related program changes.

Thank you again for participating in our pilot and collaborating with us as we continue working to enhance our Responsible Sourcing program. For materials and guidance on our new audit approach or the Responsible Sourcing program in general, please access the Responsible Sourcing Academy Training Portal. If you have questions that are not answered through these resources, you can find contact information for additional support in the Portal.



2)更新后的供应商标准有指出:Suppliers who submit an audit report that results in an Orange rating must continue to use the same audit program until the facility improves its rating to Green or Yellow. 即,如果工厂所提交的报告判为橙灯,则供应商在跟进审核中必须沿用同一个认证标准进行审核,一直到其违规点已获改善,拿到绿灯或黄灯为止。

