
2016-12-27 09:06:05 诚誉达验厂咨询 371













1) Walmart Standards:沃尔玛标准

  • Not posted;未张贴

  • Not posted in local language非本地语言张贴


2) Spill Response Material / Secondary Containment (110%):二级防护措施

  • Not present;没有

  • Inappropriate不适宜


3) None or insufficient/improper:没有或者不足/不适宜

  • MSDS;物料安全数据表

  • Hazardous signing;危险物品标志

  • Labeling / inventory.标签/库存


4) Working areas:工作区域

  • Present safety hazard (Fall, Hole, Etc.)安全隐患(物品滑落,洞,等等)


5)First Aid box supplies:急救箱

  • Not sufficient.不足


6) Waste containers废物箱

  • Not identified;没有注明

  • Labeled by type and hazard按类别的危险级别分部标记


7) Drainage system:排水系统

  • No clear layout布局不明显


8) Machine Safety:机器安全

  • No posting of machine safety instructions in local language没有张贴用当地语言表示的机器安全指示


9) Evacuation plan:紧急疏散计划

  • Is not present;没有

  • Does not have "YOU ARE HERE" mark;没有 你在这里的标识

  • Does not match facility layout;不符合工厂实际布局

  • Is not in language spoken by majority of employees.不是大部分员工使用的语言


10) The facility evacuation plan:紧急疏散计划

  •  Is not posted in legally required areas;未张贴在符合规定的区域

  • Is not posted in every production area;未张贴在每一个生产区域

  • Is not posted in high-concentration areas;张贴在人员密度高的区域

  • Is not posted near entrances to stairwells.未张贴在出口或者楼梯口附近


11Emergency exit routes:紧急出口路线

  • Are not marked with directional signs;没有指示标志做标记

  • Are not lit.不亮


12mergency Exits:紧急出口

  • Are not designated as emergency exits;未指明为紧急出口

  • Do not have illuminated “EXIT” signs;无带电的出口标记

  • Do not have an “EXIT” sign in a language spoken by majority of employees.“出口标记不是大部分员工使用的语言


13Facility emergency exit doors:工厂紧急出口门

  • Do not have a landing with at least 1 meter (3 feet) before beginning of first step.没有距离第一个阶梯1米(3英尺)的楼梯平台(缓冲带)


14Facility emergency fire alarms:工厂紧急火灾警报器

  • Have error indicators on the fire alarm control panel.消防警报器控制板上错误的指导


15Facility emergency fire alarms:警铃

  • Are not audible;听不到警铃

  • Do not have beacon or flashing lights in high-noise areas.噪音大的区域未安装信号灯和闪光式警铃


16Facility emergency fire alarms:警铃

  • Are not connected to a secondary power source.未连接备用电源


17Emergency exit lights:应急灯

  • Are not connected to a secondary power source.未连接备用电源


18Facility emergency exit doors:紧急出口门

  • Are not side-hinged doors;不是侧铰链门

  • Do not open in the direction of travel with a single motion;不能一个动作向逃生方向开启

  • Do not close automatically when leading to a staircase;当推开至楼梯时不能自动关闭


19Emergency assembly areas:工厂紧急集合区域

  • Are not designated on evacuation plan;未在疏散计划图上有指明

  • Are not located along each fire escape route.并非每个逃生路径均可前往


20Fire extinguishers:灭火器

  • Are not present on every floor of the facility;不能覆盖工厂的每一层

  • Are not present in every production area;不能覆盖工厂每个区域

  • Are not present in areas where there is storage of materials labeled as flammable. 不能覆盖储存易燃物品的区域


21Fire Extinguishers:灭火器

  • Are not mounted;未离地放置

  • Are mounted above 1.5 meters (5 feet) from ground to top of fire extinguisher.灭火器顶部距离大于1.5


22Fire Extinguishers:灭火器

  • Are overcharged;压力过大

  • Are undercharged.压力不足


23Materials labeled as hazardous, combustible, or flammable:危险物品、可燃或易燃物品

  • Are not stored in containers labeled as anti-static;未存放在标识了防静电的容器内

  • Are not grounded.未接地


24Electrical wiring:电线

  • Is damaged or exposed; 是损坏的或者暴露的

  • Is connected through extension cords通过延长线连接