Walmart FCCA 沃尔玛质量验厂审核纲要

2017-01-15 10:10:11 诚誉达验厂咨询 442
Walmart FCCA Quality System Audit Outline
沃尔玛FCCA质量体系审核纲要 (家纺 类-纺织)
1.0Factory Facilities and Environment 工厂设施与环境

1. Are lighting sufficient in the following key areas? 下面关键区域的照明足够吗?

1.1.   Inspection Areas 检验区

1.2.   Production Areas [Spinning, Weaving, Processing (Pre-treatment, Dyeing/Printing, Finishing), Cutting, Stitching] 生产区 [纺纱,织布, 加工(前处理,染

1.3.   Packaging 包装区

1.4.  Warehouse/Storage and Loading Areas 仓库/堆放处和装货区

2. The facility maintains clean and organized production, finishing and packing areas.
工厂的生产, and 修整和包装区域应保持干净整洁.

3. Facility has separate inspection area for each department with inspection tables and proper ventilation.
每个部门有独立的检验区, 配有检验桌,并且通风条件良好.

4. Facility has documented and adequate pest control program which includes frequent inspections ( in-house or 3rd party)
工厂有文件化充分的虫害控制程序, 该程序包括定期的检查(工厂内部或第三方)

5. Are storage conditions appropriate and adequate for raw materials, WIP, finished products to avoid deterioration of quality or safety? 材料, 半成品和成品的储存条件充分适当避免品质和安全受损.
Especially for sensitive materials/components, example, IC Storage. Does Factory have good environmental control on temperature, humidity, etc.?
特别针对那些敏感的材料/部件, 例如, IC 存, 工厂在温湿度等方面, 有适当的环境控.

6.  No broken windows or leaking roofs that may result to product contamination was observed during Audit.
审核过程中, 没有观测到可能导致产品污染的破损窗户或漏水屋顶.

7. Factory implements strict sharp tools control procedure to prevent scissors, knives, blades, broken glasses and needles to be mixed with product.
工厂有执行严格的利器控制程序去预防剪刀, 刀片, 破玻璃和针混到产品中

8. Factory implements a broken needle control process

9. Factory has metal detecting unit (Airport System) and located at the right finishing area and is enclosed and secured and have regular calibration records  [Scoring will not apply (N/A) if factory does not need this machine for products like Rugs or Bathmat (Rubber) for which handheld detector can be used]
工厂是否有验针机(空港式)并且布置在适当的后整理区域,验针区域必须是封闭安全的,验针机必须定期校准和记录[如果工厂产品不需要验针,如地毯、浴垫等,可用手持验针机,此项 N/A]

10.  Does the plant have a back up power supply available that will allow production to continue in case of power failure?
工厂有后备的电源供应设备, 就算停电生产也能继续

11.  Does the factory have established procedure and effective industrial waste management system in place

1.1 Machine Calibration and Maintenance 机器校准和维护

1. Factory has documented system and procedure for scheduled production machines & equipment cleaning and repairs and calibration (Preventive Maintenance Program).工厂对预定的生产机器设备清洁,维修和校验(预防性的保养程序)建立文件化的系统和程.

2. Factory has documented system and procedure for scheduled calibration of Inspection and Testing tools and equipment.

3.  Is calibration accuracy traceable to specific International and National Standards?

4. Factory machines and equipment appear to be clean and in good running condition.
工厂的机器和设备干净清洁, 运行良好.

5. Machines, equipment and tools that needs to be repaired are properly labelled or marked to avoid accidental use.
需要维修的生产机器, 设备和工具有适当标识防止误用

6. Factory has proper, clean and organized storage area of critical tooling (i.e. injection moulds) with labelled shelves.
对于关键的工具模具(例如注塑模具), 工厂有没有指定一个适当的, 干净整洁的区域来储存并配置带有标识的存储架

7. Factory has proper documentation and updated inventory of machines, tools, spare parts and equipment.
机器设备, 工具和备件的库存清单, 工厂进行文件管控并保持更新

8. Factory has maintenance team with suitable skill level and equipment's to perform necessary repair and calibration on machines.
工厂具有一定技术水平的机修团队和基础设施, 来进行必要的设备维护和校.
2.0Quality Management System 质量管理系统

1.  Does the factory have accredited Quality Management System in place with any international, national or customer quality standards association (e.g. ISO 9001, etc.)?工厂是否获得国际,国家,或客户的质量标准协会的质量管理体系(如 ISO 9001,等认证)。

2. Does the factory have established Quality Management System (QMS) that is clearly documented in their Quality Manual which follows ISO9001 or other International Quality Standard that is appropriate to the products they manufacture?
工厂是否建立文件化的符合 ISO9001 或其他适合工厂生产的国际质量标准的质量管理体系?

3. Workers & Supervisors are familiar to these quality policies and objectives.

4. Factory has documented customer complaint system and documented recall

5. Factory QC team is independent from Production division.
QC 部门独立于生产部门

6. Does the factory have some type of listing to identify specific defects [similar to Defect Classification List (DCL) or Critical-Major-Minor Defect List (CMM)] and is it being used in their inspections?
工厂有定义不同缺陷, 有列出缺陷类型并在检验中使用.(类似缺陷分类表 DCL 或关键不良项-主要缺陷-次要缺陷分类表.)

7. Production management and QC team discuss and work together in solving Quality issues/ concerns. (Documented)

8. Factory maintains effective traceability system that can determine immediate source from raw material to finished product.

9.  Factory has systems and procedures in place to control the risk (Risk Assessment) of physical or chemical contamination that may damage/affect raw materials, process, equipment & tools, products and personnel as well.
工厂有建立风险控制的程序和系统, 来控制物理和化学污染的风险, 避免影响到原材料,流程设备,工具和人员.

10.  Has the factory registered the Law Labels in GRS (Global Registration Services)? [Mandatory WMUS requirement for all Upholstered and Stuffed Articles]
工厂有没有在 GRS(全球注册服务)上注册法律标? [出往 Wal-Mart US 的带有软垫或填充物玩具的强制要求]
NOTE: Applicable only for existing factories.  New factory is exempted (N/A) for this requirement during the Initial Pre-Qualification Audit.
注意:只适用于 WM 旧工厂。新工厂初次预审不适用。
3.0. In-coming Materials Control 进料材料控制

1. Factory has documented process & procedures (instructions, guidelines and records) for quality inspection and verification on all in-coming raw materials, accessories, components and/or sub-assemblies to ensure that it conforms to specifications, quality standards, safety & regulatory requirements.
工厂有建立原材料, 料, 部件和外发件进料检验和确认的流程和程序 (范, 指导和文件化的记录), 保证他们符合规格, 品质标准, 安全和法规的要求.

2.   Proper first in-first out (FIFO) system on materials are practiced.

3. Is the system can trace back to the raw material source or know where they are
from? 有一套系统保证原材料可追溯到其来源?

4. Incoming and outgoing material quantities are monitored and documented.

5. Does the factory maintain records showing proof that all paints, coatings and non- paint components (hardware, labels, etc.) are tested for Lead and Heavy Metals content and complied with the safety & regulatory requirements where the products are sold, as applicable?
工厂有保存相关的证据记录证明所有的油漆, 涂料和非涂层部件(五金, 标签等)有通过有害金属的测试, 符合出口国的法律法规要求.

6. Does the factory maintain records showing proof that all raw materials are tested for EU REACH Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and complied with the safety & regulatory requirements where the products are sold, as applicable? ASDA requirement
严重项-工厂有无记录证明所有原材料进行了欧盟 REACH 有关高度关注物质(SVHC)的测试,并符合产品销售地的安全法规的要求?ASDA 的要求)

7. Is needed testing equipment available and maintained in good condition?
有必要的测试设备, 并且维护在完好的条件.

8. Critical- Is the checking equipment, e.g. Color Lighting Cabinet (Light Box) being put under a proper environment and well maintained and approved shade band available for bulk color verification?
严重项- 检验设备, 如灯箱是否放置在适当的环境并保护良好,有确认的色差样供大货颜
ASDA:  as per ASDA colour Manual  (colour evaluation)
ASDA: 根据 ASDA 颜色手册(颜色评估)
All other Retail Markets:  as per WMUS Color Evaluation Manual

9. Factory has proper system on material segregation to avoid accidental contamination from rejected items. These are stored in the designated Quarantine area
关键项 – 工厂有适当的系统来隔离拒收材料避免污染.这些拒收材料将存储在指定的隔离区.

10.   Does the factory review, determine and record the disposition of rejected raw material, i.e. Return to raw material supplier, Deviate to Use, Rework, Scrap?

11. Materials, components and accessories are properly stacked and identified with tags / labels and off the floor.

12. Chemicals and maintenance substances are properly marked  and stored to prevent risk of contamination

13.  Does factory have documented REACH document control system?
[ASDA Requirement]
工厂有文件化的 REACH 文件控制系统. [ASDA 求]

14. If applicable, Fire Resistant (FR) foam/filling (fibers)  material shall have independent test certificates, and factory properly segregate Fire Resistant Foam/Filling (fibers) Material from non-Fire Resistant Foam/Filling (fibers) Material FOR ASDA:  (Only applies  for Filled Bedding manufacturer except Mattress Protector & Duvet)
ASDA:只适合生产有填充材料的寝具制造商, 床垫套和羽绒被除外。

3.1 Suppliers & Sub-contractors 供应商和分包商

1. Does factory have a documented supplier selection and approval process?

2. Does factory have an established, documented quality procedure and does factory evaluate, monitor or track material supplier's quality performance and reliability? Is there an assessment report of the material supplier factory?

3. Does factory have an established, documented quality procedure and does factory evaluate, monitor or track Sub-Contractor quality performance and reliability? Is there an assessment report of the sub-contractor's factory?

4. Are the records for supplier & subcontractor approval properly maintained and kept according to the defined retention period? (Minimum 1 year)

5.  Are the personnel with adequate product knowledge and skill sets conducting material supplier & sub-contractor qualification?

4.0Process and Production Control 生产和过程控制

1. Does factory PD study and apply product safety features, evaluates patterns, moulds and samples during product design and development?

2. Factory has documented Quality Process & Procedures with Work Instructions
at each stage of operation.

3. Factory has documented Production Process & Procedures with Work Instructions at each stage of operation.

4. Are required production control parameters stipulated/defined and maintained during the production processes?

5. Does factory conduct Pre-production meeting prior to start of production?

6. Are production and quality supervisors present during Pre-production meeting?

7. Are critical quality and safety checks reviewed, identified, and actions for improvement documented during Pre-production meeting?

8. Does factory conduct “Pilot-run” on new products, high value, high volume and high risk items and review product quality against specification sheet and document results with corrective actions prior to mass production?
工厂是否针对新产品, 高价值产品,高风险产品, 数量多的产品做试生产并大货生产前对于试生产时存在的问题是否进行了有效地整改并有相关记录?

9. Was in house testing performed on current production? (Request for test copies)

10. Does factory QC compare first piece samples with approval sample and specification sheet?
QC 是否按照相应的首件检检验规范和样板进行首件确认?

11. Are there adequate approved samples, first piece samples, reference samples and work instructions to provide workers with proper guidelines?

12.  Do Quality Control Department personnel (Inspectors/Supervisors/Managers/Directors) have authority to stop production if quality of products did not meet specification?

13. Does the factory have systems in place for the handling of product specification/communication documents?

14. Does factory use defective/ reject samples to demonstrate examples of common defects?

15. Does factory has proper in-process inspection procedure and standard? Does QC strictly follow the procedure and all inspection records are properly retained.
工厂是否有适用的检验流程和标准?QC 是否严格的按照相关检验流程或标准开展工

16. In-line inspections (IPQC) are performed by QC (both by Production Line QC & Quality Dept's QC) at every operation process.
每个生产环节都有由 QC(生产现场 QC 和品质管理部门 QC)进行的在线检查.
Please refer to latest WM AQL Std
参考 WM 最新
AQL 标准
17. Factory QC inspects per standard AQL or as per industry standards.
工厂 QC 根据标准的 AQL 还是行业标准执行检查?

18.  Where applicable, factory performs 100% functionality check on final products?
如果适用 - 工厂是否对最终产品进行 100%的功能检查?

19.  Does factory use corrective actions and root cause analysis methods? (Please provide examples)

20. Does factory have guidelines in place to ensure packaging is correct for product?

21. Does packing area have enough space to perform packing functions properly? Is it clean and organized?  Storage is separate

22. Packed cartons are stored on pallets in enclosed area not exposed to sunshine and wet weather.  Space is available and cartons are not stored too high or against walls or windows
包装好的卡通箱用栈板储存在封闭的区域, 防止日晒雨淋. 储存区足够, 并且卡通箱不能堆得太高, 或离墙和窗户太近.

23. Does factory track and document on-time ship performance and take necessary actions (CAP) for delayed shipments [Check rolling 12 months shipment record]工厂有跟踪并记录准时出货率吗?对于延迟发货采取必要的行动(纠正措施计划)检查连续 12 个月出货记录.

24. Does factory have the Chemical name and information of safe use of each EU REACH Substance of very high concern (SVHC) on the candidate list?  [ASDA Requirement]
工厂是否有欧盟 REACH 法规要求高关注物质的化学品名称以及如何安全使用的信息?

25. Does factory keep all the REACH document for more than 10 years after the related substance was imported to Europe?  [ASDA Requirement][Auditor need to verify and see if any REACH document can be retrieved from the system]
当有关物质出口到欧洲以后,工厂是否保留其相关的 REACH 文件 10 年以上?
[ASDA 要求] [审核员需要确认是否所有 REACH 文件能在其控制系统中检索到]

26.   Does factory use statistical process control (SPC) for quality? Are SPC controls maintained at the manufacturing operation as required?
工厂是否使用了统计技术工具(SPC)来改进和保证品质的?SPC 是否对生产过程中

5.0In-House Testing  内部测试

1. Does factory perform any kind of in-house testing? Are test equipment/tools well maintained, organized and technicians are well trained. Test Standards used are traceable to any international or local standards?

2. All gauges and test equipment have valid calibrations and are properly labelled

3. Testing manuals of various industry standards and WM Test Protocols are available as reference & are up to date
测试作业指导书所遵循的的行业标准和 WM 测试方案保存良好, 随时有据可查并保持更新?

4. Technicians conducting in-house testing are properly trained to perform testing functions and Certificates of training are available.
内部测试技术人员有适当培训以执行测试工作, 有培训证书.
NOTE: Factory that trains their own technicians must show evidence that their Chief/Master Technician has been trained & certified by qualified professional trainers.
意: 必须有证据显示,工厂对技术人员进行培训的首席技术员(技术主管),必须经过权威的有资质机构的培训和认证.

5.  Does factory have appropriate testing equipment/facility for screening / checking the presence of SVHC on the candidate list?   [ASDA Requirement]
工厂是否有适当的测试设备/设施来甄别和检查 SVHC 候选清单的物质.(仅对 ASDA 的要求)
6.0Final Inspection 最终检验

1. Does factory have procedure and working instruction for Final QC Inspection?

2. Factory QC conducts final inspection based on client-specific AQL sampling plan.
成品检验是否基于客户专门规定的 AQL 和抽样计划?

3. An approved sample or reference sample with packing list and shipping marks are available as reference for factory QC.

4.  Approved sample or Reference samples shall be stored in good conditions to maintain product integrity.

5. Are there formal written final inspection reports? Are they properly filed and traceable for review on quality of products?

6. Where applicable, does factory final QC performs internal mechanical/functional tests to ensure the safety of product?
如果适用,工厂的成品检验员是否实施内部机械或是功能 的测试来确保产品的安全?

7. Where appropriate, are inspection and testing equipment used by the inspector in good condition and calibrated?
检验员使用的检验和测试设备是否校正, 并处于良好状态?

8.  Failed inspections are properly corrected prior to final inspection by customer.
在内部检验结果不通过的情况下, 工厂是否在客人验货之前整改完毕?

9. Factory does not ship goods unless subjected to release procedures from customer.
没有获得客户批准授 权,工厂不能安排出货.

7.0People Resources and Training 人力资源和培训

1. Factory conducts documents and maintains on-job training for all personnel or conducts pre-hire testing of skilled workers prior to hiring.
工厂对所有的员工提供在职培训, 并且对技术工人在雇佣前进行考试..

2.  Is there a formal, documented Technical training/cross-training or certification program for PRODUCTION WORKERS on process, work station, equipment that they perform/use?
针对生产线员工, 工厂是否在制程阶段, 工作区, 设备使用方面, 建立了正式的文件化的技能培训/交叉培训或资格认证程序.

3.  Is there a formal, documented Technical training or certification program for QC INSPECTORS on QC processes?
针对品质检验人员, 工厂是否在品质控制方面,建立和执行正式的,文件化的技能培训或资格认证程序.

4.  Is there a formal, documented Technical training or certification program for ENGINEERS, MAINTENANCE OR EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANS?
针对工程师, 设备维护或设备技能人员, 工厂是否建立了正式的,文件化的技能培训或资格认证程序.

5. Records of trainees and all regular personnel with corresponding performance records are kept and maintained.
所有员工的培训记录和绩效考核, 都有保存和维护.

6.  Are training courses / materials suitable for trainees with different job scope?
工厂是否基于岗位的需求提供针对性的培训? 课程和教材是否得当?