美国家得宝公司,是全球领先的家居建材用品零售商,美国第二大零售商,家得宝遍布美国、加拿大、墨西哥和中国等地区,连锁商店数量达2234家。家得宝连续9年被美国《财富》杂志评为“最受欢迎的专业零售商”。并在2007年美国财富500强中排名第17 位,2006年全球财富500强排名第43位,同年被美国《财富》杂志评为“最受仰慕的专 业零售商”第1位及“最受仰慕的公司”第13位。
社会环境责任标准 家得宝公司的附属机构,分部及其子公司都致力于以负责任的方式经营业务。当我们在 国内及全球扩展业务的时候,与供应商一道合作以满足客户需要,及在工作场所维护员工 的权利和安全等共同承诺是至关重要的。
遵守适用的国际或者制造国当地的法律和规章制度。家得宝公司积极鼓励所有的供应商 以家得宝公司的要求或更高运作,并不断促进运作的改善。 家得宝公司要求所有的供应商都必须遵守家得宝社会环境责任标准的相关规定。 以下标准指引介绍了与家得宝公司进行商业来往时所有供应商必须遵守的最低要求。这 些要求将作为与家得宝公司所有新签的或者续约的商业合同的一部分。
法律法规 供应商必须完全遵守制造国当地的所有法律和法规制度。 童工
供应商所雇佣的员工不能低于制造国当地的法律要求所规定的最小工作年龄。 如该国对于工作年龄无明确要求,供应商所雇佣的员工年龄不能低于以下:
1. 国际劳工组织要求的15周岁;
2. 根据当地政府法律特许的14周岁(须与国际劳工组织指引相一致);
3. 该国应完成义务教育的年龄。 除此以外,供应商必须遵守制造国当地关于未成年员工的法律要求,特别是关于工作时 间,工资和工作条件的要求。
强迫劳动 供应商不能以任何一种形式使用非自愿劳动力:包括强迫,监禁,契约,抵押,奴隶, 或者是被贩卖的强制劳动力。
骚扰和侮辱 供应商必须尊敬员工并给予员工其应有的尊严。所有员工都不应受到体罚或者身体上 的、性的、心理上或者是言语上的骚扰和侮辱。除此以外,供应商不能用罚款的方式作 为纪律处分。
劳动报酬及福利 供应商必须遵守制造国当地关于日常工作,加班,生产绩效的劳动报酬及员工福利的劳 动法律法规并按照相关法律法规执行。
工作时长 供应商必须遵守制造国当地关于工作时间的法律规定。
在对此无明确要求的国家,员工在常规的工作情况下,每周的工作时长不应超过最小限 度的60小时(包括加班时间)。除此以外,除非在特别繁忙的情况下,所有员工在每个 连续工作七天的周期内至少要有一天休息时间。
非歧视 家得宝公司认可并尊重文化差异。供应商必须保证在雇佣员工时(包括招聘,工资,福 利,升职,处分,解雇和退休等)都应只根据员工的工作表现及工作能力而不是以员工 的个性作决定。
结社自由及劳资协商 供应商必须认可和尊重员工行使法律认可的自由结社的权利,包括有权选择加入或者不 加入社团组织。供应商必须尊重员工集体谈判的合法权利。
供应商必须根据制造国当地的法律和规章制度为员工提供一个安全健康的工作环境。 环境保护 供应商必须遵守制造国当地所有关于适用于工作场所的环境保护法的相关法律和规章制 度。工厂必须以环境影响最小化的方式来从事生产劳动。
分/转包生产 在未得到家得宝公司批准的情况下,供应商不允许使用分包商为家得宝公司进行产品制 造或者是产品组件生产,只有在向家得宝充分证明分包商已遵守家得宝公司的社会环境 责任标准后才能够进行分包生产。
沟通交流 供应商必须向全体员工和管理人员进行家得宝公司社会环境责任标准条款的宣导。 商业道德 供应商必须遵守家得宝公司诚实廉洁原则来进行生产经营活动并遵从商业道德的最高标 准。供应商不得采取任何将会对验厂评审结果产生不正当影响的行为:包括伪造记录和 训练员工作虚假陈述等。供应商必须遵守家得宝公司关于《礼品馈赠及应酬》政策,不 得向家得宝公司的同事或者是家得宝公司委派的第三方评审机构的代表提供任何形式的 利益好处。
监督与遵守 家得宝公司将采取积极的措施,例如进行事先通知或不通知的工厂现场验厂评审及参 观,以监督供应商是否遵守社会环境责任标准。供应商必须在现场保存评审所必须检查 的文件资料以证明已遵守家得宝社会环境责任标准。供应商必须允许家得宝公司派出的 代表(包括其委托的第三方)能在验厂评审过程中充分了解或者获得生产设备,员工档 案和生产记录的相关资料,并能够对工厂的员工进行不受干扰的单独访谈。 供应商应该积极地采取必要的纠正措施以纠正不符合社会环境责任标准的行为。供应商 应该积极地参与到整改行动中,包括及时地准备和制定“整改及预防措施
(CAPA)”计划。任何不遵守家得宝公司社会环境责任标准的供应商,家得宝公司都 保留与其终止商业合作关系的权利。
验厂范围 分包商也要验厂:生产家得宝产品组件上带有家得宝LOGO的组件要求验厂,但纸盒彩 卡吊牌生产商不要求验厂。
共享审核报告 收到审核通知3天内提交给THD SER部门。
必须是BV、ITS、TUV、UL或被THD认可的公证行审核的报告,该报告在有效期内。非 客人自己审核的报告,如ICTI、BSCI、ICS、WCA、BSR等,经THD评级核准通过方可。 工时要求
月加班符合法律法规不超36小时/月,接受有效的综合计时批文。 实施方案 在CAP现场跟进复查时,符合月加班不超过36小时,此问题关闭。
在CAP现场跟进复查时,依然月加班超过36小时,但只要工厂按照提交CAP写的计划实 施【如,CAP上写的预防加班超时方案是:多招人,多备料,有效培训合理排单等,在 跟进复审时工厂确实有执行动作并提交有效证据,问题同样可以关闭】
社保 工伤保险100%全保(工伤险接受商业险),其他4种险种只要有买(一定要涵盖一线工 人),只要下次审核逐渐提升就可以,超过退休年龄的工人可以买商业工伤险;只要做 到工伤100%全保,其他四险种一线工人有部分人参保,即使审核报告上写此问题点,也 不会影响结果,此问题会自动关闭。 政府文件在提交CAP时,只要看到工厂有办理,提供付费凭证在办理了,就可以关闭此 问题。
7休1天 除国家法律规定或国务院发布调休时间以外,其他任何情况工厂不得连续7天上班。
审核现场问题如果在审核中发现一些现场问题,如通道堵死,灭火器过期,应急灯坏掉 等情况,现场立即改善让审核人员拍照片,假如在审核报告上只有这几个问题,只有立 即现场整改了,一样接受,就省去了复审的费用。
Factory Documentation System 工厂的文件系统
(Documents to be available in factory during BVCPS Security Assessment 反恐审核工厂需准备的文件)
I - Personnel Security 人事安全
1. Job application form, with the following fields for the applicants to fill in: 员工工作申请表信息含有以下内容
Personal information个 人基本信息
Education 教育背景
Employment history and personal reference 就职经历
Credit standing and history 个人信誉
Any driving license 驾驶执照
Any previous criminal background 犯罪记录
2. Records of the following background checking:应聘者的背景调查记录
Criminal background 犯罪记录
Financial background / credit report 个人财务背景/信用记录
Drug and alcohol testing 毒品/酒精的依赖史
Driver history 架照历史
Unexplained gaps or periods of unemployment 不明原因的间隙或失业期
3. Re-investigation records of current employees in doubt
4. Employees’ Code of Conduct to govern security violations by employees
5. Employee termination procedure, including but not limited to the following:
雇员离职手续, 包括但不限于如下:
Retrieval of identification badges 要求归还代表本厂员工的身份识别卡/徽章
Retrieval of access cards and/or keys 要求归还门禁用卡和/或钥匙
Termination of alarm codes 终止警报代码/准入密码
Notification of security and/or receptionist 通知的保安及/或前台
Termination of computer access 终止电脑访问权限
II - Physical Security 基建安全
1. Policy in controlling the security of cargo handling and storage areas, including but
not limited to the following:
Employees are not allowed to park in the cargo handling and storage areas
Employees are not allowed to park next to the cargo handling and storage areas
Visitors are not allowed to park in the cargo handling and storage areas
Visitors are not allowed to park next to the cargo handling and storage areas
2. Service contract with external security company on monitoring of the burglar alarm
3. Employment contract / job description of security guards, including:
on duty after normal production hours
on duty all the time (24 hours per day, 7 days per week)
全天候在岗 (每天24小时,每周7天)
4. Records of periodic inspection of the following to see if any damage occurred or
maintenance required:
Buildings 建筑物
Fences 围墙
Gates 大门
III - Physical Access Control 门禁控制
1. Checkpoints for security guards to go on patrol 保安人员的巡逻点
2. List of restricted areas (where employee access is limited) and authorized personnel
who could get access to those areas
3. Record system for issuing and monitoring of the following items:
Keys 钥匙
Alarm codes 警报代码/准入密码
Lock combinations 组合锁
Electronic card keys 电子卡片
Other access devices 门禁系统的其他准出入装置
4. Procedures for identifying and controlling the access of visitors (including vendors),
Visitors must present photo identification 访客必须出示带有照片的证件
Visitors logbooks are kept 保留访客的登记日志
Visitors must wear visitors badge or similar identification 访客必须佩带访客牌或者类似的身份识别证件
Visitors must be escorted by security guard or other employees 访客必须由保安或其他雇员陪同
5. Visitor logbooks, including: 访客的登记日志包括
Name of visitor(s) 访客姓名
Company they are representing 所代表的公司
Purpose of visit 来访目的
Date/time in and out of the facility 进出入厂时间
6. Procedures for identifying, challenging, and addressing unauthorized persons
attempting to enter the facilities 识别非法闯入的程序
7. Registry of arriving packages and mail 登记到达的包裹和邮寄
8. Records of regular sampled checks on arrived packages and mail regarding potential
security or health risks
IV - Procedural Security 过程安全
1. Procedure for controlling changes to shipments abroad, covering:
Foreign customers are notified in the event of changes to the actual shipped goods
Foreign customers will be supplied with revised commercial documentation in the
event of changes to the actual shipped goods
Foreign customers are notified in the event of changes in the actual quantity of
goods being shipped
Foreign customers are supplied with revised commercial documentation in the
event of changes in the actual quantity of goods being shipped
2. Commercial documentation provided to the foreign freight consolidator or carrier
(usually prior to actual export from the port of lading)
提供给国外货物承运商相应的商业文件 (通常在实际出口港的装货之前)
3. Documentary evidence showing the verification of the quantity of product being
shipped against purchase orders, e.g. signature on purchase orders
4. Authorized trucker list 授权的卡车运输者列表
5. Personal files of each driver being vetted and approved
6. Registry of trailers / drivers who enter the facility
7. Records of dispatch of trailers
8. Procedures in place to ensure products are properly marked, weighed, counted, and
9. Procedures in place for tracking the timely movement of goods
10. Procedures in place for notifying the following organizations in the mentioned
Customs in cases where unusual incidents or illegal activities are detected or
Local law enforcement agencies in cases where unusual incidents or illegal
activities are detected or suspected
11. Security procedures to prevent unauthorized access to facilities, equipment, and cargo
12. Documentary evidence proving annual review of the security procedure
13. Procedure / documentary criteria for evaluation of suppliers and/or subcontractors
(including truckers)
14. List of suppliers and/or subcontractors (including truckers)
15. Security standards or requirements for suppliers and/or subcontractors (including
16. Evaluation records of suppliers and subcontractors (including truckers) regarding the
compliance with security standards or requirements
17. Financial Assessment records of suppliers and subcontractors (including truckers)
18. Correspondence / other records of communication with suppliers and subcontractors
on security issues
V - Information Technology Security 信息技术安全
1. Registry of individual accounts and passwords created for employees who can access
the factory’s computer system
2. Computer security policies and procedures
3. Employees’ training records on computer security rules
4. Disciplinary practice in place for employees who violate system rules
VI - Security Training & Threat Awareness 安全培训和反恐需知
1. Security awareness program, covering: 安全意识程序包括:
Internal conspiracies 内部阴谋
Cargo security 货物安全
Facility security 设备安全
Unauthorized access 非法闯入
Security incident reporting 安全事故汇报
Procedures 过程安全
Theft prevention 防偷窃
Other specialized training for specific employees 其他为特定员工的专门培训
2. Policy addressing employees to be recognized and rewarded for active participation
in security controls
VII - Container Security 集装箱安全
1. Procedure for storage, issue, control of seals and reporting of discrepancies
2. Seal Initial Receipt (record form for receipt of seals from the seal vendor), including
the following:
Date / time of seals received from vendor 从铅封供应商收到铅封的日期
Type of seal 铅封的型号
Seal number sequence 铅封号
Quantity of seals 铅封的数量
Name and signature of designated factory representative responsible for
maintaining and distributing the seals (i.e. seal custodian)
3. Seal inventories 铅封的存货清单
4. Seal Issue Log (record form for keeping traceability from the factory’s seal custodian
to other staff authorized to receive and use the seals). This Log shall include:
铅封的发放记录应包括 (为保持铅封的的可追踪性,应记录铅封从保管人到批准接收和使用铅封人员的具体走向)
Date of Issue 铅封的发放日期
Type of seal 铅封的型号
Seal number(s) 铅封的号码
Name of recipient 铅封的接收人姓名
Signature of recipient 铅封接受人员的签名
Signature of seal custodian 铅封托管人员的签名
5. Vehicle Gate Log (record showing containers entering / exiting the factory yard)
出入车辆的登记日志 (记录显示集卡的进出入时间)
6. Documents proving seals purchased meet or exceed the current ISO PAS 17712
standard for high security seals
有文件证明铅封符合或超过ISO PAS 17712 的高安全度铅封标准
7. Documented procedures addressing the notification of the shipping line, consignee,
local law enforcement agency, or Customs if a compromised container or door lock
has been detected
书面的文件强调如果受损的集装箱或锁具被检测到,会告知运输商,收货人, 当地的执法机构或海关
8. Written procedures requiring empty ocean containers to be inspected, covering:
Multi-point inspection on all containers to detect false walls, hatches, damages, or
other security issues
Container door locks 集装箱的锁具检查
9. Documented procedures for reporting and addressing unauthorized entry to containers
or container storage areas
10. Documented procedure to prevent unauthorized access of loaded containers stored
overnight, including but not limited to the following:
Using Padlocks 使用挂锁
Seals affixed by the carrier or consolidator at their facilities
Using Ultra-High security seals, such as "J-Bar" locks 使用高安全度铅封
To back container doors against a hard surface, such as a building wall or
concrete dock
To keep containers in a secured, fenced-in yard with guards and closed-circuit
| BUREAU VERITAS HONG KONG LIMITED Consumer Products Services – Inspection, Audit & Assessment SA AUDIT DOCUMENT LIST 社会责任审核文件清单 Updated on Jan 19, 2015 Page 1 of 1 |
No. | SA Audit Document List 社会责任审核文件清单 | Yes | No | N/A |
1 | Floor plan / Production Process Flow Chart 厂区平面图 / 生产工艺流程图 |
2 | Business license 营业执照 |
3 | Name list of employees 员工花名册 (全厂员工名册/12 个月内离职员工名册) |
4 | Payroll records of past 12 months (Signed Payroll Record / Bank Transfer Record for Full- time Employees / Part-time Employees / Dispatch workers, Piece Rate Record) 最近 12 个月工资记录(员工/非全日制工/派遣工签名工资表或银行转帐凭证,计件记录) |
5 | Attendance records related to above payroll and attendance record of recent unpaid month 对应以上工资表的 12 月工时记录以及最近未发薪月的工时记录 |
6 | Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval and related attendance records 综合计时批文及相关工时记录 (12 个月内有效批文对应的所有工时记录均应提供) |
7 | Payment receipt of social insurance schemes & income tax / Registration form 最近 12 个月社会保险和个人所得税之缴费凭证,收据 / 人员申报单 |
8 | Records of paid annual leave 有薪年假记录 |
9 | Factory regulations (Recruitment, Reward, Disciplinary, Wage, Hour, Benefit etc.) 厂规或员工手册(招聘,奖惩,考评,工资,工时,福利制度等) |
10 | Personnel files with ID Copy 员工入职登记表 附身份证复印件 (体检表-如有) |
11 | Labor contracts (Dispatch agreements) 劳动合同 (劳务派遣协议) |
12 | Leave applications 员工请假表(最近 12 个月) |
13 | Health examination / registration of juvenile workers 未成年工体检证明/劳动部门登记表 |
14 | Trade Union / Worker organization 工会委员名单,章程,会议记录 (或其他员工组织,未建立工会则不需提供) |
15 | Grievance procedure and record 申诉投诉程序和记录 |
16 | Disciplinary Procedure and record 纪律处分程序和记录 |
17 | Occupational disease hazard factors tests 车间职业健康危害因素监测报告 |
18 | O-chart of safety committee, safety procedures, emergency preparedness 安全委员会架构图,工厂安全制度,紧急事故处置预案 (灭火和应急疏散预案,危险化学品 事故应急预案) |
19 | First aid responder certificates 急救员证书 |
20 | Fire drill records / Dangerous Chemical spill response drill records 消防演习记录(最近两个年度演习记录照片-厂房/宿舍)危险化学品事故应急演习记录 |
21 | Production building and dormitory (1) Fire acceptance check report / filling record; Inspection for Completed Building Construction Projects; (3) Planning permit of temporary construction 厂房/宿舍等 (1) 建筑物消防验收合格证/备案 (2) 建筑工程竣工验收报告 / 合格 证明 (3) 临时建筑规划许可证 |
22 | Injury records / Injury procedure 工伤记录 / 工伤处理程序 |
23 | SDS / Inventory for hazardous substances / chemicals 化学品危险品清单及物料安全资料卡 |
24 | Safety training records (Fire safety, Job safety, Machinery, PPE, Chemical) 安全培训记录 (消防安全/岗位安全/机器设备/个人防护用品/化学品使用等) |
25 | Occupational health examination records 职业病危害健康检查/体检报告 |
26 | Special Operation Certificate / Special Equipment Operator Certificate 特种作业操作证 / 特 种设备作业人员证(电工/焊工/锅炉工/压力容器操作/厂内机动车操作工/起重机作业工等) |
27 | Registration / Safety Inspection documents for Special equipment 特种设备档案 (电梯/锅炉 /压力容器/压力管道/厂内机动车/起重机等使用许可证或定期安检报告) |
28 | Hygiene Certificate for the canteen in factory 食堂餐饮服务许可证 |
29 | Health Certificate of food handler/ Radiation work permit 食堂厨工健康证 / 放射工作人员证 |
30 | Environmental documents 环保文件(环评登记表或报告表或报告书/环评批复/竣工验收报告/ 排污许可证/危废回收商资质证明/危废转移合同/危废交运联单/辐射安全许可证等) |
31 | Subcontractor information 外发商/分包商信息 (厂名/电话/地址/联系人/工序) |
32 | Production records 生产记录(生产日报表, 仓库收发记录, 质量检查记录等) |
Note: The factory shall provide above documents for auditor to review within 4 hours after auditor’s arrival at factory. Otherwise auditor may not have enough time to review these documents after the cut-off time. For the certificates, licenses and reports from government and authorities, original document but not copy shall be provided for reviews. The above documents are a minimum, auditors will request other documentations as client requirements or audit needs. 注意:工厂应在审核员到厂4小时内提供上述资料作审核,否则有可能来不及 审核超过该时间提供的资料. 所有政府颁发的证件和执照,及有资质的报告等,需要提供原件查阅,复印件不能接受。除上述文件外,审核员 还将就客户要求或审核需要调阅和审查其它文件资料。 |